Sunday, January 08, 2006

The pneumatic drill (red) and screwdriver (blue) that I used to insert the screws. In the inset is a close-up of the countersinking bit that I used to drill the holes. All the screws hold plywood to timber. The procedure would be:

  1. Mark the position of the holes.
  2. Make a starting pit for every hole with an awl.
  3. Drill the pilot holes.
  4. Clear burrs off the pilot holes.
  5. Apply adhesive.
  6. Fit the timber piece and clamp in place if neccesary.
  7. Drill the holes into the timber and countersink the part in the plywood. Using the countersinking bit this is done in one movement.
  8. Screw in the screws.

In cases where the pilot holes had been drilled at the machining stage I would start at the apply adhesive step.


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